Fantasy Foam Architecture
As part of a series of lessons at South Portland Summer Rec Camp, I collaborated with a peer on this Foam Structure lesson, which introduced building through simple and accessible materials. They looked at images of architecture and thought about a place they would want to live or go to as they built with styrofoam, straws, pipe cleaners, cardbaord, and markers.
See the lesson summary below:
Watercolor Resist Summer Treats
This is also a part of the South Portland Summer Rec Camp series I collaborated on and one of the first lessons I designed collaboratively. Campers made a summer twist on the classic watercolor resist with white crayons, drawing summer treats they enjoy in places they like to go. We discussed the way materials interact, and the magic of the "invisibble ink" that is the white crayon. Spacial awareness and careful looking is engaged in this task of drawing, and the joyful element of art is clear when watercolor is added.
See the lesson summary:
Clay Emotions
In this lesson, students created emotions with clay and a face shape template. Because clay is maleable, we talked about the way emotions change and facial expressions reflect that. This lesson was a valuable social-emotional one, allowing myself and my collaborators to connect more deeply with this group of students at the Boys and Girls Club in Portland.
See the lesson summary:
Comic Strips
The goal of this lesson was to introduce the idea of drawing characters from basic shapes, and for students tell a story that emerges from their character design. We played a silly drawing warm up game, and then talked about features of a comic, such as what a panel is and speech and thought bubbles. This was also part of a series about using text in art.
See the lesson summary: